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International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management >> Volume 5, Issue 2, June 2016

International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management

The Financial Inclusion: A District Wise Study on Bangladesh

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Author Mohammad Omar Faruk,Soeb Md. Shoayeb Noman
ISSN 2225-7217
On Pages 291-296
Volume No. 2
Issue No. 4
Issue Date July 01, 2020
Publishing Date July 01, 2020
Keywords Financial Inclusion, Financial Inclusion Index, Multi-Dimensional Index, Financial Inclusion in Bangladesh


The financial inclusion, including all the people with the finance, is very concerned issue all over the world where Bangladesh is also trying to include all the people with the finance. The paper studied the model of Financial Inclusion Index (FII) between 2007 and 2010 in district level to analyze the changes of FII in Bangladesh. Though FII ranking of 19 districts have shown positive changes but ranking of 10 districts have not changes where 35 districts have negatively changed among the 64 districts of Bangladesh. Some of the reasons of slow financial inclusion are also discussed in the paper like lack of strong infrastructure, inadequate financial information, and high account maintenance balance, low income of people and high cost of banking product. This paper shows the status, problems and key points of financial inclusion in Bangladesh. The study used three dimensions of financial inclusion to measure the FII value which indicates the coverage, availability, input and output of banking services to compute the status, level and magnitude of financial inclusion in division/districts of Bangladesh and to give a better idea for making fruitful decision to ensure stable and equitable economic growth of the country.

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