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International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management >> Volume 5, Issue 2, June 2016

International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management

Methodology for Measuring Financial Stability in Countries

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Author Jos� Gerardo de la Vega Meneses, Mar�a Josefina Rivero Villar
ISSN 2225-7217
On Pages 20-25
Volume No. 1
Issue No. 1
Issue Date February 01, 2020
Publishing Date February 01, 2020
Keywords Countries, financial analysis, risk.


This research proposes for international analysis, a methodology for measuring the level of financial stability in any country in the world. In this sense, it has been inspired on the financial analysis model that modern financial theory generally recommends. This research is quantitative, cross-sectional, it is non-experimental and descriptive. It is quantitative because it provides numerical results. It is cross-sectional because it used economic indicators corresponding to the year 2010. It is non experimental because the sources of data have not been manipulated and have been obtained from good qualified sources of information. It is descriptive because this research figures out why some countries like China and Russia are better prepared to resist financial and economic disturbances that may happen in the future. In other hand it explains why countries like Greece, Ireland and Portugal have been subjected to face an acute financial and economic crisis, from an innovative point of view based in the financial statement analysis.

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