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International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management >> Volume 5, Issue 2, June 2016

International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management

Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) and their Effect on Services Delivery in Rwanda

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Author Dr. Alfred Nuwagaba
ISSN 2307-2466
On Pages 356-359
Volume No. 2
Issue No. 5
Issue Date August 01, 2020
Publishing Date August 01, 2020
Keywords Public private partnerships, BOOT, DBFOT, service delivery


This research was about public private partnership (PPP) in Rwanda. It was carried out at Rwanda development board (RDB). The researcher explored the state of PPP in Rwanda and went ahead to explore whether or not PPP can improve service delivery in a country. The findings revealed that, there are no PPPs in the country just yet and what exists are just concessions given to some investors in the key areas. It was understood from the study that 90 percent of respondents believe that PPPs improves service delivery and 10 percent do not and 50 percent are of the view, that a clear legal frame work needs to be put in place to support PPP and 35 percent view a communication plan as vital for PPPs. A total of 55 percent of respondents viewed Build, own, and operate and Transfer (BOOT) as the best PPP model for Rwanda. PPPs can function well if there is no political interference and there is need for transparence at all times during contacts negotiations and execution.

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