Moral Organization: Dream or Reality
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Author | Andrea Horny�k |
ISSN | 2225-7217 |
On Pages | 194-201 |
Volume No. | 2 |
Issue No. | 2 |
Issue Date | May 01, 2020 |
Publishing Date | May 01, 2020 |
Keywords | Financial institutions, moral standards, young generation. |
�The moral human being, feeling the spirit of time, is capable to express it within the limits he undertakes voluntarily without waiting for the legislation to do the same. � [Etzioni, 1993]. Can the Hungarian financial institutions find the connection between observing the unspoken rules of moral standards and their own profitability? As far as Hungary concerned, a negative social mood towards banks is accompanied by poor financial literacy therefore financial institutions have a lot to do to gain confidence in the young generation. However, in the long term, a financial institution can only achieve market success if it can integrate moral viewpoints into its corporate policy.